Prostate and Colon Cancer Survivor: Dave

View Dave's story.

“I had the barbecue cookouts here. We talk about screening, and I tell them, if you really like the barbecue and you want to come back for more, you’ve got to get your screening before you come back.”

Treating Prostate Cancer (ACS website)

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If you’ve been diagnosed with prostate cancer, your cancer care team will discuss your treatment options with you. It’s important to think about the benefits of each treatment option compared to the possible risks and side effects.

Screening Tests for Prostate Cancer (ACS website)

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Prostate cancer can often be found early by testing for prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels in a man’s blood. Another way to find prostate cancer is the digital rectal exam (DRE). If you’re thinking about getting tested for prostate cancer, talk to a doctor about the possible benefits, risks, and limits of prostate cancer screening.

Survivor Story: Maria

View Maria's story.

“I believe that many people sometimes do not get to these support programs because they do not have knowledge.”

Breast Cancer Information and Overview (ACS website)

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Whether you or a loved one are worried about developing breast cancer, have just been diagnosed, are going through breast cancer treatment, or are trying to stay well after treatment, this detailed information can help you find the answers you need.

How Diabetes Affects Your Kidneys (website)

Anyone with diabetes can take steps to prevent chronic kidney disease (CKD), and those who already have CKD can try and slow the process. Early detection, managing blood glucose (blood sugar) levels and blood pressure, living a healthy lifestyle, and health education can help prevent or delay CKD from progressing.

How Diabetes Affects Your Feet (website)

The connection between diabetes and your feet is important because diabetes can cause nerve damage and reduced circulation, ultimately leading to limb loss and other complications. The good news is you can lower your chances of complications by managing your blood glucose levels and taking care of your feet.

How Diabetes Affects Your Eyes (website)

It’s easy to take your eyesight for granted. Diabetes is the leading cause of vision loss in people 18–64 years old. And there are no obvious signs or symptoms. But the great news is an annual routine eye exam could prevent 95% of vision loss caused by diabetes.